Retrieve a Current Feature Key You can retrieve a current feature key from the WatchGuard web site: After you download the feature key, you can use the Quick Setup Wizard or the Web UI to browse to the location of the feature key on your computer and upload it to the WatchGuard SSL device. Save the feature key as a text file on your computer.Follow the instructions to register your device.Dangerous Golf Keygen! Download Dangerous Golf cd key.
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If you are new to WatchGuard, follow the instructions on the web site to create a WatchGuard account profile. The device serial number is located on a sticker attached to the rear panel of the device in this format: xxxxxxxxxx-xxxx.Īctivate your Device and Get a Feature Key To activate your device and get the device feature key: Find your Serial Number To activate your SSL device, retrieve a feature key, and activate support for your product, you need your device serial number. You must get a feature key when you first install the device, and when you renew the LiveSecurity service. Get a Feature Key A feature key is a file that enables licensed features on your WatchGuard SSL device.